For Women Professionals in Science and Engineering 

Give yourself permission to soar and fearlessly excel

in the work you love



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You're Unstoppable is a mindset training and coaching program to support your success  

Potential + Training – Interference = High Performance

 Dr.Craig Manning

What is interference?  The types of thinking, feeling and behaving that sabotage our goals

Mindfully observe, understand and accept your thoughts and feelings; connecting with your values and your passion; decide how you want to think and act and do it;  practice self compassion and wellness; and move forward to achieve your dreams



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Academia - Startups - Industry - Government 

Optimizing your mindset means making the decisions to:

  • Believe in and support yourself no matter what
  • Talk to yourself in positive and productive ways
  • Challenge your conditioning - society, family, biology
  • Write an empowering self-narrative
  • Optimize sleep, diet, movement, relaxation, fun, connection
  • Focus on what you can control and accept what you must
  • Set and accomplishing value-aligned goals
  • Let yourself fail and fail and fail again and never give up
  • Release afocus on other people's opinions and a need for approval
  • Imagine the actions and outcomes you want 
  • Step into flow

How we think and feel about our self and our life creates a self fulfilling prophecy.  Decide now to champion yourself and believe in yourself.  Live your values, think on purpose and befriend your emotions to overcome the prisons of self doubt, shame, perfectionism, imposter feelings, and the need for approval. Soften the inner critic(s), tame procrastination, and develop friendly self- discipline. Learn, grow, make mistakes, and repeat. 

Pain is inevitble.  Suffering is optional.  Pain is part of our shared common humanity.  Understanding what being human means allows us to accept the things we must and change the things we can, focusing on that which we can control and leaving the rest, bringing our best self to all of it. 

Confidence is believing that you're unstoppable...

not that you'll never fail.

About Me

The program You're Unstoppable would have helped me immensely as I navigated the waters of my ambition, my dreams, my beliefs and my self talk in a demanding and competitive environment. And this is why I offer it to you - to help you play the game well, love your work, love your life, and live without compromise.

Intentionally choosing your mindset will change your life. I can show you how.

Hi, I'm Lisa Cousins. 

I am a PhD chemical physicist, entrepreneur, and co-founder of several high tech companies with over 40 years experience in the fields of chemistry and physics research, development and leadership.  I have produced more than 80 patents and publications worldwide, led R&D teams of scientists, software and hardware engineers, and generated over $20M in funding.   

I created You're Unstoppable, a high performance mindset coaching and training program, to address the needs of women professionals and entrepreneurs in science and engineering who are reaching for the extraordinary but may be finding that emotional distractions are getting in the way of their creativity, their well being, and their results.

Mindset is the set of beliefs and emotions that drive your actions and the results you create in your life.  Mindset is the portal to your whole self- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual- your values, your well being, and your drive toward integrity, authenticity and fulfillment. 

In You're Unstoppable, we create a confidential space for exploration of your ambitious professional goals and the vision for what is possible, and you learn and practice the mindset and mental and emotional skills to create the results you want in your work and your life.  I am dedicated to tools for high performance and have invested over 2000 hours of study, training and coaching to help the next generation of women scientists and engineers succeed. 

 You don’t have to achieve in order to be someone. You don't have to prove yourself.  Let yourself be a human being who is doing something challenging. Let yourself do wonderful things just because you want to.

"If you know you are on the right track, if you have this inner knowledge, then nobody can turn you off... no matter what they say." -- Barbara McClintock, cytogeneticist and winner of the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

"Courage is like — it’s a habitus, a habit, a virtue: you get it by courageous acts. It’s like you learn to swim by swimming. You learn courage by couraging." -- Marie Daly, biochemist, discovered the relationship between cholesterol and clogged arteries, first black woman to earn a PhD in chemistry.

"What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” -- Jane Goodall, Primatologist and Anthropologist

"We especially need imagination in science. It is not all mathematics, nor all logic, but it is somewhat beauty and poetry."--Maria Mitchell, Astronomer

Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live. - Mae Jemison, engineer, physician and astronaut and first black woman to travel in space.

Your beliefs become your thoughts; your thoughts become your words; your words become your actions; your actions become your habits; your habits become your values; your values become your destiny - Mahatma Gandhi



Check out the website for the Association for Women in Science:  a powerful resource for women in STEM and STEM-adjacent fields:  CLICK HERE FOR AWIS



Mimi P.

Working with Lisa has catapulted my personal growth and my ability to achieve my goals in a way that will really last. Lisa's use of imagery, in her coaching, is very powerful. She has a beautiful voice that provides such a safe and soothing place for exploration, acceptance, and change. She helped me make shifts that have been entrenched for decades. I would highly recommend working with Lisa. Your amazing future self will be forever grateful.

Bonnie K.

Lisa is a transformational coach who meets you where you are and helps you to uplevel your life in countless ways. She helped me grow in confidence, gave me ideas on how to creatively tackle what I was facing and compassionately guided me to reach new levels of self compassion and self respect. Coaching with Lisa helps you come out stronger in every way .

Jan M.

Lisa is a powerful coach. With Lisa's guidance she has helped me to rediscover who I really am. I learned how to show love and compassion for myself which has changed everything for me. I am now following through on my goals and creating the results I have been trying to create for years.  I am forever changed for the better thanks to Lisa. I highly recommend her.

Holly M.

Lisa has so much compassion and care in her coaching that I always feel safe to open up and do the deep thought work I need to do to find peace in my life. She has taught me effective thought work to help me in every area of my life. I am so grateful for her patience, support, and wisdom in helping me find my own voice. 

MaryAnn D.

Lisa is a valued guide and a much appreciated, grounding voice in my coaching journey. Lisa’s insight and perceptiveness lead me to learning, discoveries and relief. With her help, so many of my old ways of thinking, feeling and doing are being retired. In their place, greater truths and epiphanies have been nurtured and grown.

Rosa D.

Getting coached by Lisa has been an awesome experience. Having spent too much thinking in the past, Lisa helped me go forward in my future. Her approach was to ask what do I want to think and where do I want to go with my thinking. So thankful for this transition of thinking. So thankful for her way of catching those thoughts that weren't serving me and what thoughts would serve in going forward.

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